Space Between / Aidagara: Landscape, Mindscape, Architecture
March 6th, 7th and 8th 2023; from 10am to 12pm
ARC, 11 Chapel Lane University of Glasgow, G11 6EW
Room 224 on 06/03/2023 and Room 223 on 07/03 – 08/03/2023
Hybrid workshop: Join Zoom Meeting
This workshop is devoted to the interdisciplinary exploration of the connections between space/landscape and mindscape/culture and between the natural and the spiritual resources of the environments we inhabit at a time of climate change and global energy crisis. As a follow-up to the Floating Worlds/ Seaweed Gatherers workshop organised jointly by the Islands in the Global Age ArtsLab at the University of Glasgow, the Department of Sound Design and Kyushu University and a group of artists, writers and performers from Glasgow and the Isle of Mull, this event aims to provide new opportunities for collaboration on the topic of space (both in its performative and everyday social aspect of built environment) between specialists of architecture and the avant-garde from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Kyushu University and researchers from across the College of Arts at the University of Glasgow.
Participants will explore the connections between the Glasgow Style and Japanese traditional art and architecture, the exchanges between European and Japanese avant-garde artists, the influence of Nô theatre on modern and contemporary theatrical performances and mixed media installations in Scotland and the Scottish isles, the parallels between Japanese and Scottish traditional islandic arts and crafts, rituals and representations of space and landscape. Other approaches, inspired by Tetsuro Watsuji’s notion of betweenness (aidagara), Kenneth White’s geopoetics movement and by Gilles Deleuze’s conception of nomad space and nomad thought will also be introduced, along with explorations of the avant-garde creative reconfiguration of conventional exhibition spaces through transdisciplinary curatorial practices.
DAY 1: MONDAY 6TH MARCH – Room 223 (ARC – Advanced Research Centre) and Zoom
Welcome and opening address from the organisers and the Dean for Global Engagement in China and East Asia at the University of Glasgow and from the Dean of Internationalisation at Kyushu University
Dr. Graham Eatough
Dr. Andre Dekker
Dr. Kevin Leomo
Dr. Erica O’Neill
Dr. Stephen Forcer
DAY 2: TUESDAY 7TH MARCH – ROOM 224 (ARC – Advanced Research Centre) and Zoom
Architecture, Exhibition Space, Travel as Aidagara
Dr. Yuko Ishii
Dr. Madoka Yuki
Dr. Gloria Yu Yang
Dr. Louise Barrington
Dr. Daryl Jamieson
Dr. Ramona Fotiade
DAY 3: WEDNESDAY 8th MARCH – ROOM 224 (ARC – Advanced Research Centre) and Zoom
Mindscapes: Philosophy, Dwelling, Image
Dr. Andrew Ka Pok Tam
Dr. Hitoshi Kuriyama
Dr. Amber Blanksma
Dr. Olivier Salazar-Ferrer